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Why Marketing Is Crucial For Your Small Business: Our Guide

After years of saving up for capital, planning, and going back to the drawing board repeatedly, you’re finally ready to start your small business. With all your details finalised and your pre-launch phase going according to plan, there are a few things left to worry about as you inch closer to the start of what could be the journey of a lifetime.

But before you get the rest of your efforts well underway, it’s important to take care of one crucial factor that will affect the level of success you can achieve: marketing.

Why it pays to take care of your marketing-related needs

As any successful business owner would tell you, marketing is the backbone of any successful endeavour to launch a business, grow it effectively, and beat the competition.

While companies like the Macquarie Group, Wesfarmers, and ANZ Banking Group are large corporations today, they too had their humble beginnings as small businesses that exploded with proper marketing. With companies all over America collectively spending trillions of dollars on marketing, it’s easy to see why the industry is becoming a key fixture in the modern business landscape.

Through a well-built marketing strategy, you have the leverage needed to adequately and effectively advertise your product across all target demographics and relevant sectors. Over time, undertaking the necessary efforts to get your company, message, and offerings across will allow you to fetch the trust and accompanying opportunities your small business succeeds!

How to start building an impactful marketing strategy for your small business

With all this talk about the effectiveness of marketing and its importance to the level of success that a small business can attain, you’re likely wondering about how you can start building it. Thankfully, our experts at New Business Centre have put together this must-follow list of practices that will help you yield top-quality results from the get-go:

1. Keep an eye on the competition

When we talk about keeping an eye on the competition in the context of building a marketing strategy, we’re not just talking about ensuring you’re ahead; we’re also talking about getting actual cues from them.

For years, successful small businesses have been able to grow through proper marketing work because they’ve managed to take a few pages out of their competitors’ books. Once you start researching about the competition in your industry on a much deeper level, you’ll be able to supplement your efforts with findings, such as:

Key points where the competition is lacking (so you can improve on these points and differentiate your small business better)
Various keywords that your competitors are using to help give them the best returns for their efforts
Opportunities for improvement based on successful campaigns from competing companies

2. Bring in some extra hands

While you would want to be hands-on with all parts of your small business to ensure its success, there are some parts that can flourish when you let experts take over—marketing being one of them. Once you enlist an expert like New Business Centre to help out with your marketing efforts, you’ll be able to navigate the complex world of starting a new business and stand out with far greater ease!

3. Invest in digital marketing

With nearly every consumer in America depending on social media and the Internet to do anything in their lives today, it’s clear that the Internet is bigger and more important than ever. At this point, it would be best to assume that the influence of the Internet has gone to the extent of being a key influence on consumer decisions and behaviours, which is what you can capitalise on.

Considering that having a digital approach is necessary for a bare minimum effective marketing strategy, it’s important to ensure that your business follows suit. By doing things like building a website, setting up social media pages, and investing in an SEO strategy, you’ll be able to future-proof your marketing strategy for success!


When you take the time to start your business and hit the ground running, one of the most crucial components of your overall strategy will be marketing—especially when you consider how much of an impact it has. By employing the three winning strategies mentioned above, you’ll be able to ensure that you achieve the best results possible and give your start-up the advantage it needs!

Are you looking to use the fundamentals of marketing to your small business’s advantage? Our experts at the New Business Centre will be more than happy to help. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can get you started!