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How to Build an Impactful Brand Identity

Creating a brand identity is an initial step in building a business. It is more highly important now if you want your brand to be different from hundreds of other businesses.

An impactful brand identity is more than a name, a logo, a set of colours, and a theme. It’s important that you know your brand from the ground up because one major factor of a brand is its uniqueness. Your brand should also have a story behind it, as well as a purpose. This can set your brand apart from others and draw the audience to what you have to offer.

In this article, we will list several tips on how a brand can be impactful and different from the rest. This will help you build your brand and showcase what you have to offer.

      1. Know your audience

Before you even begin to build a brand identity, you must first understand and know your target audience. A brand without a set audience is like walking in the dark. You can try different tricks and tips but you can never get it quite right. If you’re unsure whether you’ve singled out your audience, you can ask yourself these questions:

  • What is the age range of my audience?
  • Where is my audience located?
  • What do they like and dislike?
  • How do they define their values?
  • Why would they care about my products or services?

If you can answer these questions, then you most likely singled out your audience. If you know who you are selling to, you’ll know how to sell it. You should also do research on the industry you are getting into to acquire insight into how the audience participated in the past in these kinds of products and services.

       2. Build your brand story

Your brand story is the narrative that tells your audience your purpose and goals. It is an outline of your business, as well as the process to reach your goals. It’s more than just a catchy tagline; it’s a story that compels your audience and makes them want to be part of it.

To reinforce this, you can use several tactics such as inciting emotion, nostalgia for an older product, and clever use of visuals. You can even make your customers the hero of the story by letting them use your brand to help others. You can also fix the narrative around solving challenges and problems, as well as using a sense of inclusivity. The most important thing is to craft a compelling narrative that connects with people. Another popular way of doing this is through telling a story of your brand’s humble beginnings.

       3. Use a unique, identifiable brand name

Sales 101 teaches you to be unique while also resonating with many. Use a business name that is easy to spell, pronounce and remember. It should be something that you can easily recall even after only hearing about it a couple of times. If you are looking to build an international brand, it is also important that you consider the translation of your brand name in case it turns out to be rude or improper in other countries.

Another tip in creating an identifiable brand is to choose a name that isn’t used by another domain. That can get tricky and hard for your start-up business if a bigger brand already overshadows it even if they’re in different industries. If the domain name is still free, you better register it quickly.


Creating a powerful and impactful brand identity entails many checklists, but in the beginning, it almost always relies on how good of a storyteller you are. As they say, “the devil is in the details.” Use your brand’s authenticity and the little quirks about it to make it stand above the others. All the great brands known all over the world started with the execution of a great idea and powerful storytelling.

As a business owner, you should also have a clear understanding of your brand, a strategy, a purpose, and a vision. Once you have your checklists, you only need to execute them. Business branding is an important factor in creating a successful brand, but this only means it is one of many. To learn more about business branding and marketing concepts, check out New Business Centre, an all-around business and marketing service that helps start-ups create their brand. Learn how to build your brand today.